Tuesday 20 August 2013

"Fighting over pacifism"!

Hi Joe

It was great to chat about this with you at the Chinese restaurant near South Ken and I would happily look at some of the blogs you mentioned

I have started Letters from a Skeptic while here in Tuscany and have found it stimulating, encouraging and good mostly so far. Would love to discuss that too sometime

As mostly I think about how philosophies relate to my life and experience I think that I would (consciously?) step in to defend someone I loved or who was vulnerable if they were being physically attacked. I can't see other than in sinful rage that I would lash out aggressively however nor fight to get something that was not mine. How does this fit with your thinking at the moment?

Can't wait to see you though I want the holiday to go slowly - self-contradictory as ever, that's your old dad!

With love

Monday 5 August 2013

Peace talks (or a little piece on pacifism)

Hello! Long time no blog! Hope you're doing well- looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and/or Wednesday. I thought it might be nice to use this blog to chat through our thoughts about pacifism; to help me to think things through and gain from your insights, and to help you to understand the things that lead me to lean towards a pacifist view. I have a few different ideas for how to start (there are a few helpful blog series online), but I'm happy to chat in person or start from other places instead- what do you think? Love you loads Joe

Monday 3 January 2011



I have been using this for a few days now and have found it really helpful so far


Opening Prayer
Lord I am broken and hurting due to the brokenness of others and mistakes of my own. Please use your powers to heal me and give me courage to make the choices I need to make to allow your healing in my life Forgive me for standing in your way of healing for me. Thank you for allowing my past to end one second ago, and my future to begin right now in this moment with you.
Today I chose to Heal
Today I choose to Heal.
My healing begins right now, in this moment.
I am no longer bound by my sick past.
There is healing in my future.
For the next twenty-four hours, I choose to live free and heal.
I choose to let go of past hurts that I cannot undo.
I choose to forgive myself for wrong choices in the past.
Today I will dwell on what is good and right, not on the darkness I have experienced or the darkness others invite me to live.
Today I will live beyond myself and live for God.
On this day I will choose to feel my life rather than live in denial.
I will not medicate away my pain, sorrow or anxiety.
I will allow each negative feeling to lead me to greater depths of healing.
I will not drown out or ignore my negative emotions.
I will work through these feelings and move out of them.
I will not project them onto those around me.
When I am unaware of what choice to make next, I will choose to do the next right thing.
Today I will not hide or run away.
I will connect with those who love me and with those who need my love.
Throughout this day I will stay connected to God and ask him to guide me and lead me.
Today will be an adventure for me.
I will take a risk and enjoy the unpredictable.
I will not be governed by my fears.
I will choose to do something uncomfortable that might lead me to know the truth about myself or live life to the fullest.
I will not lie to myself today.
I will seek the truth and will ask for help when I need it.
Today I will reestablish some boundaries that will protect me from unhealthy people and unhealthy situations.
I will tear down some walls that are keeping some wonderful people from knowing me and loving me.
If there is some ungrieved loss, I will grieve it as much as I can today, and then put it away.
Today I will choose reality and embrace it.
I will accept my life and pick up my life right where it is.
I refuse to wallow in self-pity.
I will not focus on what I do not have or what might have been.
On this day I will not give up.
No matter how difficult the struggle, I choose to persevere.
I will not let any excuse be strong enough to derail my path to healing.
I will never give up or give in to an old life that did not serve me well.
I will allow no one to discourage me.
Today I will heal and rely on God to deliver me through the choices I make.
Today I will allow God to control my life, and each choice I make, I will make with God in mind and love in my heart.
On this day I choose healing.
I will do what I can do to heal and accept the limitations God has placed before me.
I will see every limitation I encounter as an invitation by God to do for me what I cannot do for myself.
I will accept that healing is sometimes slow and delayed and will grow in character in the meantime.
Today I will step outside of myself and serve others.
I will find a need and fill it.
I will find the hurt of another and help heal it.
I will not become self-absorbed or filled with self-obsession.
I will reach out to someone in need and do what I can to meet that need.
Today I will ask for God’s help to live out His purpose.
Today I will live for God and not myself.
Today I choose to live.
Today I choose to love.
Today I choose to heal.

Monday 29 November 2010


Hi Joe

I hope you have had a good day and are choosing well how to use your time

Thought this list might interest you


Love you


Tuesday 23 November 2010

Prayer for my reply

Hi I had an half hour chat with a girl called Margo (she's in my german class) at tea and toast in the chaplaincy when I went, she said she felt really unfulfilled by everything she'd tried and we chatted a lot about God and how it's changed me, so I sent the message below and she's replied, just wondering if you could pray for her and also I don't want to rush a reply but want to help her in the best way, love Joe

Joe Garratt 23 November at 01:59
Heyy, I'll see you in german but just wondering how you're getting on since we chatted about feeling unfulfilled and stuff? Joe x

Margo Kane 23 November at 11:29 Report
Oh well, I was like really drunk then haha. I don't normally think about it much unless I'm like in a depressive mood, y'know? And I've been way too busy to think recently. But thanks for checking :)! xx

Friday 22 October 2010

I have something to discuss!

sorry created this by accident! see the other post of the same title

I have something to discuss!

It's strange when in my mind I know what issue I want to raise in this post, but can't easily put it into words given the nature of the context and complexity, but here goes!

I guess it concerns me and maths and life and expectations and the day to day stuff.

In retrospect, it seems like for sixth form I was always pretty sure about doing maths at uni. Yet during my gap year I had quite a few doubts about that, and various issues like motivation and fundamental identity etc. came up and I was far more focussed on who on earth I was and what on earth was worth living for at the time of my gap year oxford preparation, so I really didn't work much for that but some of the stuff I thought about and then shared with people in Uganda and beyond has changed so much about the ways I can look at life and feel and think, there's this vision of love and new creation and hope that I can really connect to and believe in, and I'd take that over Oxford or money or worldly respect or a feeling of control or whatever anyday, because all those things are only going to die and simply don't compare when it comes down to it and you catch a glimpse of what life could be.

I guess I'm a bit concerned that I can't explain this all that well, and memories of you saying 'why don't you just work until exams then ask the hard questions afterwards?', when I knew that even trying that for a second tore me apart, make me a bit worried that it could look like I'm just raising pointless issues and can't be bothered to work and don't appreciate all your support and am just distracting myself from what really matters with words and unanswerable questions. But I don't have time for that nonsense, if God is real, if love is real, if there really is a hope for us that can outlive death, then there must be so much more than this.

A few times in the last few weeks things lecturers have said have made me feel excitement similar to what I remember I felt often preparing first time round for Oxford, when it felt natural and fun and didn't raise justification questions and was just so different from the second time round and time since then.

And quite a bit recently I've also felt a bit disenchanted with maths and (please be aware that the words I use to try to describe my thoughts, feelings and opinions are usually hard to find and quite often may be misleading just because it's so hard to work out) the question which best describes it is 'why am I doing maths?', and I know a lot of people get that at the start of uni or whatever, but that doesn't necessarily make it any less real.

I find so much related to maths really interesting, like fractals and infinity and dimensions and logic and all that, but I'm really not at all that bothered about getting a 'good job' or doing anything directly related to maths in the future. And I love music and philosophy and languages and history and art and people and ideas and food and beauty and fun and I hate how it's so easy to forget all the incredible things and lose myself in the moment and the system and people forget what it means to dream, and no longer dare hope that they might somehow be free.

Clearly, any of us could die at any second, which certainly puts some things into perspective, but there's obviously the possibility of not dying for however long, so I want to take that perspective and surrender and live how we were meant to live with every breath until then. I don't want this to sound ideological and therefore irrelevant, obviously it's the extreme of the hope and the closest I've been to that future realisation is in moments, but all you need is a glimpse to know it's worth living and dying for.

Um, so I don't really know what this whole maths thing's likely to amount to, I'm quite happy for it to only last a year or 3 or 4 or a month or a day or whatever but at the moment (this is one of the most fragile parts to explain so bear with me) I don't feel inspired/motivated/a desire to do all the work and stuff and would just like to chat about how I view maths and life and me and God and my purpose overall and day to day, because I want to do it better.

Love you
